Be Still Trust The Lord

Be still and rest in the Lord.
Trust his patience and walk with his strength daily.
Use your strong faith and mountains will begin to fall before your eyes.
Stumbling blocks will move out of your way.
The Lord receives your righteousness.
He knows and understands the love you have for others and little children.
The Lord speaks blessings over your life daily.
Joy over takes you.
Love begins to move you.
Peace surrounds you.
Grace fulfills you.
Mercy embraces you.
The storms of life can be very rough sometimes.
Remember this, the Lord is sitting on his throne protecting his children from the enemy and He is mightier than the mightiest against any adversary.
The test of time will try your faith.
Will you stand or fall by the side of your path?
Only your Father knows the answer.
Remember this, he that lives in you, is greater than he that lives in the world.
Stay focused on your victory path.
Pray for help.
Prayers are the answers from God, not humanity.
No need to fret or complain.
Who will listen to you? Stay connected to God.
He will listen to all your needs in prayer.
Our daily inspiration is the relationship we have with our Heavenly Father.
There’s a secret place in God’s throne room.
There you can leave the cares of the world.
The heavy burdens of the lonely all are invited.
To those that has a sincere heart of forgivingness and who are troubled with their past.
To be forgiven, you have to forgive those who trespassed against you and be of strong courage with faith beyond measures.
You are a mighty man or woman.
The Lord is a lamp upon your feet and upon your path.
Our life is guided by the choices you make.
I have chosen life over humanity and God’s word will not return void.
Will you do the same?

by: Darryl L. Jnekins